
I really fucking need to learn to relax/chill out.

Fucked up something at work a few days ago but it didn't seem to be that big of a deal.

Then, yesterday, someone put a ticket on my name from the person/account I fucked something up with.

I spend yesterday evening and this morning worrying so much that I literally constantly had to talk myself down/calm

Asked this morning if it would be fixable easily because I couldn't hold my nerves anymore.

"oh yeah that'll take just a few minutes, just put the ticket on my name!"

I seriously need to learn how to control this 😞

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    Have you ever tried the Sam app?
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    @linuxxx I used to use this app to help manage stress and anxiety, I was on meds for a few years until just a couple years ago when an old gf recommended it to me. After using the app for a few months it seriously helped. I think it was developed by some college research center.
    I don't know man, it really helped me out. I would say at least give it a look.
  • 19
    Well... I to have that problem, I think almost every junior does, you want to do it yourself and snow your team that you have the skills. (and we do) but it's the experience we lack... So if we need to do something fast or unknown or with time stress we panic. I had this last week.. I needed to convert two regular post request into Ajax calls, I panicked and (after the meeting) went to the toilet and cried a little (just the stress and
    Panic) because the project needed to be done just two days later (and a lot of other stuff needed to be done) I told my team leader and he said, don't worry about the time, if it takes you one week, two weeks three weeks or even four weeks to do this it wouldn't be a problem

    (of course it would but was just the thing I needed to hear)... I was done 1 hour later...
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    @incognito A little reassurance goes a really long way
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    You can try yoga ;)
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    In my experience a major part of keeping your cool in those situations also comes with the experience you get on the job.
    Also remember that you're not alone, you still have colleagues that can help you - probably swearing but nonetheless - if you fuck up really bad one day.
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    @linuxxx try some mindfulness exercises. They are great to recenter yourself.
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    @projektaquarius I've never heard of mindfulness exercises, could you name a few so I can do some research? 😇
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    @incognito look up mindfulness meditation. There are decent sources online. My therapist guides me through some of them. Sorry, but I am not in a position to go in more depth. I am drunk and it is 325am my time
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    Do everything recommended by everyone above. Breathe. When all else fails, pop a Xanax and call it a day. Our jobs aren't worth losing our lives over. Like @CodeSlutLaser suggested, try an app for mitigating stress. I'm on medication currently and I see a therapist monthly. It's worth it.
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    Remember that no matter how badly you fucked up, the worst that could happen is that someone will loose money (you, the company, the client, it does not matter..). Of course that is if you are not programming a plane or something :)
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    It comes with time. I’ve been working full time a few years now and I was the same as you before. Now I try to utilize people around me to give me help and also don’t stress about deadlines. We’re a very successful company but we fuck up deadlines all the time - it’s normal. People get sick, things take longer and it’s perfectly fine. In your case it sounds like you’d need more support from your colleagues, never be afraid to ask for help or advice.
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    I calm down throughout regular meditation and yoga. Self-awarness meditation is quite practical and logical. It helps to get a sense of youself, your feelings and to take a step back. After several months you start to automatically incorporate the technique into the day, without even actively meditating. This really helps noticing new opportunities.

    If you can efford it I would recommend Headspace or Calm. These meditation apps guide you through daily practice which I found really important.
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    For a moment I thought relax/chill was some sorta framework just because there was "learn" before it.

    Guess I really need to sleep
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