
I've tried to give it many chances, but I just don't think Python will ever be for me. Even "quick and dirty" scripts are faster for me in a statically-typed language with static syntax checking and sensible code completion.

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    Not for everyone, of course, and I do respect that. Many brilliant developers agree with you.

    I have to say though that to me, Python has never been about the quick and dirty. It's easy to get started on something, true, but you have to be as thoughtful as with any language.

    Code completion isn't related to language, is it? Surely, that's more of an IDE issue?
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    @obeq after posting this rant, I did find a _better_ IDE, albeit not a _good_ one.

    In its defense, though, I don't see how an IDE _could_ offer code completion à la Visual Studio, XCode, since there's no way in the language to specify what type of object will be returned from a function or stored in a variable. So how could it possibly know whether to show me string methods or dictionary methods when I type the "."?

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong and there _is_ a way. I would be very happy to be wrong on this...
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    @obeq and I definitely agree with you on "not for everyone": same as others feel about Java, C++, C#, ...
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    You should try pycharm for code completion...
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    @geronimo thanks, that's what I downloaded. And I'll give you that it's somewhat better, but it still misses a lot until I've typed it once, it seems.
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    You should check out annotated types that were introduced with the typing module in Python 3.5. You can specify parameter types, function return value types, etc. It doesn't guarantee those types at runtime, but it does tell future developers and code completion engines what your intention was.
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    @john very nice! I'll have to check it out. This is the sort of thing I was hoping for.... Although with the project I'm working on, I'm afraid I'm stuck with 2.7 for now
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    @dev3 Ouch, I feel you there. Python 3 ftw! You may be able to import typing from __future__, but I'm not sure on that one.
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