
It looks like those who say "I don't use Chrome, I use Firefox" or "I use duckduckgo instead of Google" are like vegans.

No one gives a flying fuck if you're a vegan or you use Firefox.

Yes, many of us use Firefox, ddg, Altavista, Netscape and FreeBSD but there is no need to remind us at every opportunity you do so.

Do whatever you want to but we don't care and probably won't judge you.

  • 14
    There's people like that for literally everything: iPhone vs Android; PS vs XBox; political candidates (these get an extra big fuck you); Ford vs Chevrolet (could just be where I'm from🀷).

    My point is, these people are everywhere and need to stfu. Nobody πŸ‘ Cares πŸ‘ about πŸ‘ your πŸ‘shitty πŸ‘ opinions.
  • 16
    πŸ“ you know this will escalate quickly, right? πŸ˜€
    You bought a dozen wars with just one paragraph, well done
  • 1
    @jhh2450 pretty much though in Australia we have Ford vs Holden (Falcon vs Commodore) not like that's a thing anymore since our car industry died. We are still grieving here, probably because it was fun to shittalk the opposing side.

    But point being, sometimes its fun, sometimes its obnoxious to do it. Depends on who you are I guess.
  • 0
    What scenario are you talking about here? Did a random stranger come up to and say tell you?
  • 21
    If you put a vegan, a crossfitter, and an Arch Linux user in a room together, who would speak first? 🀣😁
  • 1
    @Nebyular If you're both car people and you're having that discussion, absolutely is fun. But people that bring subjects up JUST to express their unwanted opinion are obnoxious.
  • 5
    To me the most annoying ones are those that constantly whine about privacy. Not because I do not agree with them. But because it is nigh impossible to go around the whole privacy ordeal and most of the ones that I see complaining the most about it have gigantic logical loopholes. Only one dude and one dude only has managed to go around the whole issue with privacy...and that is Richard Stallman. Anyone else using their phones to post on devRant should just be quiet.
  • 7
    @linuxxx this guy is cussing every part of your identity πŸ˜‚
  • 2
    @PerfectAsshole me? Nah man I am not, Linuxx has his ideas regarding privacy and security because he works with that, but he aint looking down on people for their choices. Stallman now, that dude really gets on my nerves haha
  • 3
    @AleCx04 naw haha, I was making a joke cause this rant is about everything linuxxx is vegan, ddg, and firefox.
  • 0
    @PerfectAsshole ah I see haha that is true lol
  • 7
  • 1
    @linuxxx you damn whinger ;)
  • 2
    @Hedgepig the difference is there though!
  • 2
    @linuxxx yeah I think I'd have found out sooner if you were vegan :p
  • 5
    Non-profit, OpenSource, Community-driven, or any other project type that hasn't been commercialized for profit SHOULD have their users promoting it; if nothing else, this supplements the lack of corporate marketing. Assuming that you're being belittled, shamed, or otherwise judged for using the defacto standard says more about you than the promoters of the alternative.

    Again, it's easy for anyone to assume a specific situation where your rant might be applicable/valid, but generalizing it for everyone and every time is just another form of clickbait.
  • 2

    Same with Linux vs. Windows
  • 2
  • 3
    In the end, we are entitle to not give a crap about other people not giving crap about things which other people may or may not give crap about. πŸ’€
  • 7
    "I use devRant instead of 9gag"
  • 3
    If you ask me what search engine I use, or I genuinely think you'd be interested, I'll tell you. But just like anything else, I won't take every opportunity to tell you.

    Keep in mind that perhaps it can be good to engage these people. Clearly they're excited about the unusual stance they take and they'd be happy to tell you why they take it.
  • 2
    @null-byte welcome to devRant!
  • 0
    @AleCx04 I'll comment on your last sentence later ;)
  • 0
    @AleCx04 That last sentence. Please explain.
  • 1
    @linuxxx which one bud? I made a post and then a reply. The original or the reply?
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Your first comment :)
  • 0
    @linuxxx ah well you see. Having an account automatically puts you on the grid. Regardless of ones name being Pepe Lopez and posing as jason_reinhardt@gmail.com or whatever the case may be. As soon as we have accounts such as the ones required to download this beautiful app, accounts to make payments online, accounts to order or otherwise interact with the interwebs, well we are online and out there and thus searchable or marketable. We become the product in order to use services that are otherwise considered free. Even here, if I run a crawler on this site that gives me info regarding the top users and their rants I will make what are otherwise casual people a product of my data analysis. So in the end everyone is a product really. Which bothers some and not so much others. I think it is a necessary evil, but I have seen people put others down because they are not willing to go on super paranoid mode.
  • 0
    @linuxxx now, I am all for privacy, I think it should be our choice in a perfect world. But it is not a perfect world :( and I respect people that go through lengths in order to become anonymous. But hate the ones that look down on others for it, specially since most of those look down on others will themselves being in the very same grid they "try" not to be a part of. To give an example, being told that we know nothing of privacy by someone using a google account from everything, using a non modified andrid phone (and even then they still are a target)
  • 1
    @AleCx04 I get your point entirely but I also interpet it as that trying to remain private on specific fronts isn't even worth it.

    But there's another thing for me as well. You can say all you want that you don't care about privacy or that its overrated or whatsoever but by using services which don't respect privacy (and mostly have the same stability/featurws), you're not giving us much of a chance to stay out of the surveillance networks. I mean even if I have to email my best friend, I've gotta email a gmail address so there goes all my fucking effort.

    Not saying that you do that or attacking you in any way but maybe think the other way around as well :)
  • 0
    @linuxxx actually is not like that at all. From my part I am saying that it is nigh impossible to do it (and you can agree with that I believe) but never did I say that you shouldn't try or that I knock people off by it. If anything you do not need to interpret it that way when I mentioned repeatedly that my issue is with people that are not gone from the grid putting others down for not being security obsessed. Never did I say that one should not strive for security. Everyone is free to do with their computing whatever they want, it ain't really my business, it just annoys me when people become arrogant towards others, ya dig?
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Yup gotya. Just one thing for the record, I'm not talking about security :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx wait, hooooold up, u mean to tell me we aint talking about pizza? Cmon man work with me!
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    "oh, btw im using arch linux"
  • 0
    "but heard gentoo is cooler" 😎
  • 0
    @AleCx04 The more popular a product the more influence it exerts even in indirect ways and in spheres outside its immediate scope. Alternatives, especially those aspousing support for freedom and privacy, are more important than ever. There's a fine line between frustrated supporters of alternatives and coming across as arrogant, etc.
  • 0
    @Nebyular all fords explode
  • 1
    @windlessuser cool news to me. Owned 8 fords in 10 years and i never seen it. Still own 5 with no problems with the oldest being a 96
  • 1
    Kind of ironic the OP is based around strong opinion.
  • 0
    ^ THIS πŸ˜‚
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