
I'm loving language like Swift .... No semicolon (;)

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    hey dude heard of javascript
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    @Amitkumar yeah, I know - the jack for all trade, good for nothing
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    @ibyl what do you want to do and why gud for nothing seems you are the one who doesn't know js and still say its bad
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    Python too
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    ruby lover here
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    of course every language is gud man ruby .rails,python ,Java , etc but its up to a person which he likes respect for all languages and developers aka(also known as ) brothers
  • 8
    languages without semicolon feel just weird.
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    no no no no no! stop that! semi colons are the best
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    Look.... I don't like .js don't know why ..... I use ruby, php, obj-c and .net ; better to say use as drug, ........ I know it's my problem ...... But somehow it irritates me .....
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    If I hurt someone I'm sorry
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    @AmitKumar JavaScript is bad. it's terrible even. The language is missing so many important things. I'd suggest you look at the left-pad fiasco and npm.
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    @mercurysmessage woah woah wait a minute. JavaScript is not horrible, it's in fact a great language if it is used correctly.
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    So why is it missing so many important things? it's just bad design plain and simple. Everyone trying to fix it is why there are so many frameworks for it.
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    @mercurysmessage in your opinion what is it missing? it lays a base for frameworks to be developed which allow it to grow and become something amazing for a project
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    @danner26 I just mentioned one, left-pad, which took down thousands of websites. There are many other features the language is lacking as well, like I said, is the reason for the frameworks.
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    Gotta love how this place is full of JS and Mac fanboys. Love poking fun at their rivals but can't take criticism.
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    @mercursmessages man ledtpad had just 7 to 8 line of code and it's foolishness of developer that they even couldn't write that function it was a library people depended on the npm library called leftpad rather than their own skills they could have written that function into their code library is built on JavaScript for ease its error are not JavaScript errors
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    @Amitkumar you are 100% correct. and he is one of those people that thinks his opinion is always correct. maybe it was a lack of research
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    JavaScript is difficult to control I agree but if you depend on a framework and it throws an error its not the fault of JavaScript you chose that framework choose another your problem man JavaScript did not said you to use it you should have used pure JavaScript rather than framework it's easy to bend your opinion on the news that doesn't know js @mercurys
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    @danner26 thank you brother really and to all I use angularjs framework and when error occur that are not resolved I use plain JavaScript
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    So why isn't it a standard feature of JS? Why is your opinion right and not mine? Looking an awful lot like a echo chamber in here guys.
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    Also if you knew what has happened, it was outside of developers control. it was layers of dependencies deep in NPM, how do you expect the developer to go in and change that, and how is it not a problem?
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    @mercurysmessage what feature you want all is present but it oa difficult to use frameworks are just to make the use easy ...please tell me which feature is not available
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    You're not even disputing what I'm saying. I just said a feature, it's basically missing a standard library. Look, no language is perfect but if you seriously think it's that great and these aren't real issues I think you need to take the rose coloured glasses off and look more critically.
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    Also you said earlier that the missing pieces are great because people can build on it, so how do you know what's good and bad for frameworks? Is left-pad not evidence to the contrary?
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    @mercurys have you heard of ECMA script they are the standard library of JavaScript they keep the track of standards in language and let your query flow because today I really may answer all the question. who say it's missing a library ...tell me even a single feature or library that it is missing
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    adding two no's program is not present in library its built and if you use somebody's else function and say its not adding properly dude write your own .. stop using other people code if you don't believe and I want you to tell me what leftpad was doing
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    Some guys/girls in here is complaining about languages and use or not use of semicolon.
    What about you guys start using .!? To end your sentences when you comment so that it is easier to read your comments in here?!!!
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    @flipflop agreed sorry;
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    @flipflop sounds good to me; sorry man, maybe it'll make all of our lives easier;)
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    i also love swift but with taylor.
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    @mercurysmessage hay dude .js is clean ...... He collects his garbage on his own ..... XD
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    @ibyl hello and thanks for pointing out a feature I didn't know
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