
Windows: Would you like me to give all your data to MS or somewhat less data?
Me: Well .. I guess .. I'll choose the Basic option..
Windows: Here is a fun fact .. I'll send all the data regardless of your choice :)

This is what's happening in the background, I think. I mean there isn't even a phuqing option to turn this thing off.

  • 5
    "ShutUp10" is what you'll need πŸ˜‰
  • 1
    @JoshBent Yes bro! That's what I need.
  • 3
    @runfrodorun If only games and some productivity tools worked on Linux 😒
    That's the main reason I still use Windows sometimes
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    @runfrodorun I don't plan to, too. But can't seem to settle for one distro. After a lot of struggle, always keep coming back to Windows.
  • 0
    @Froot same reason here :/
  • 0
    @runfrodorun Talking about DEs, nothing seems as polished as Windows' except Budgie. It also has a long way to go.

    For distros, I have tried many of them. I don't like the point-release ones. And rolling releases are not stable(?) Solus is what I have my eyes on. It's rolling yet stable and gives the best Budgie experience.

    Solus isn't mature enough though. It freezes time-to-time. So I am waiting for it to become a little mature and Budgie 11 to get released.

  • 5
    @runfrodorun I mean stuff like MS Office, Adobe tools and games that are quite GPU intensive, take battlefield one as an example not that I play it. I understand that you can get some of that stuff working through Wine, haven't tried it myself but plan to.
    If I can get all I need working through wine then that's the last obstacle removed and I can drop my windows installation. Mayor problem with games so far has been the overhead from Wine. I don't want to sacrifice performance since unless your rocking a GTX 1080ti, every bit counts.

    Also, no, alternative programs or games are not an option sadly. I don't want to play A game, I want to play THE game. As in I have my favourites and I'm not switching.

    If I can get that stuff sorted I'd be super happy as they I could finally drop windows for good ☺️
  • 5
    @Froot This. "Linux can play games too!" is not an argument. People want specific games, not just a general capability. Some professional tools fall under this as well. Adobe is design industry standard and you'd get laughed out the room at most places for using something else.
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    @ThatDude Thanks for 1200, I've been wanting the pug for a week now πŸ˜‚
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    @TheCapeGreek Exactly.
    I see it too often in articles that Linux has games too. People play specific games and you can't substitute that
  • 0
    @runfrodorun Thanks for the info on the DLLs, I didn't know that was possible! As for the Adobe stuff I'll admit I'm not the most in touch with that sort of thing, but experience with the Adobe suite is what is usually expected.
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    @runfrodorun @Froot I have looked at the wine compatibility list, sadly some of the popular games aren't supported or are listed as 'garbage' (note, it has been a while since I looked and I can't seem to connect to it) popular games like Gta V

    To be honest there is no excuse for the game devs to not build for Linux.. It's 2017.. I mean.. Yeah budget... But I mean... Common that's a pretty weak argument these days...
  • 2
    @runfrodorun Wait so you're saying that the guys who work on Wine work with CPU level stuff? Like loading correct registers at the correct time and firing right interrupts (I'm super bad at that low level stuff so excuse my stupidity πŸ˜„). if so then that's amazing... Damn.

    Anyhow, I need to give wine a try. If setting up a game is a bit of work I'm fine with it as long as it's not insanely difficult where I spend days debuging it πŸ˜„ It's not like I install new games often, I usually stick to the same ones for a loooooong time (hence why i can't substitute them)

    Another option I was considering was running a windows VM with GPU pass through. Tho that seems like a hassle as well since then it won't work on host hence I need to shuffle around with cables to make my monitor work

    Also, I don't mind proprietary windows DLLs as long as it works. I'm looking at moving to Linux mainly because I like it's modularity. Also windows is horrible to develop on
  • 2
    Trick question
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    This is why I hate Windows 10!
  • 1
    Cons of non free software
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    @runfrodorun Damn, that's very enlightening. So basically binaries are same in Linux and windows but what differs the support structure (DLLs and the such) they expect from the OS? And wine emulates that support structure? Did I get this right?

    Then it does seem that on one hand wine, if configured correctly, doesn't need much resources since it's basically just a static redirect. On the other hand needs stupid amounts of work to create since all those support structures need to be reverse engineered from Windows be translated for Linux. Am I right?

    By the way what do you do that requires such low level knowledge of OS architecture and the such? πŸ˜„
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    @Cyanide Maybe Windows sends all the data in Basic mode but it can't send... screenshots!
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    I love how the comment section has become a 'Low-level Crash Course'. All thanks to @runfrodorun. Respect!
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