I'm starting to learning Java. Should I use intelliJ Idea or Vs code?
p.s I am using VS code for a while.

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    Doesn't really matter but go for the best IDE that promotes efficient development and works for you

    I've personally never got on with VS code and am a big fan of jetbrain's various products so far
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    Yes, God, YES, go with intelliJ.

    If you don't now, you'll do it later anyway.
  • 3
    You can start with a basic editor and understand how compiling and running Java programs work. Once you are past that, use your favourite IDE and keep chugging all the way

    I have been using Eclipse for the most part. You should try out all the IDEs out there and choose the best that suits you
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    @asgs you really can't with Java. Without something that manages imports for you it is just unworkable. You need some form of IDE functionality.

    I'd say try it with VS code if you prefer that. If it sucks intelij is highly recommended.
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    @hjk101 no. It is workable. That's how I did it. It is not a scalable solution if that is what you are referring to
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    BlueJ... then Eclipse or IntelliJ
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    @superdupernova agreed on the c# bit, and while I'd say VS is improving I'm still a die hard fan of Rider. One can use the early access and nightly builds free of charge, though I'd certainly buy my own license if work didn't pay for it.
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    VS Code is an editor, not an IDE. VS Code is mean to handle generic text editing workloads as well as it reasonably can. With third party plugins you can turn it into a decent Java IDE but there’s nothing like using a genuine IDE such as IntelliJ Idea
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    @asgs no that is not what I'm referring too. I also tried that with Emacs once. But unlike other languages Java comes with obscure import paths that are often not even mentioned in tutorials.
    To use an array (the one that is actually useful) you need to import java.util.ArrayList. You need to look up shit for every little thing.
    If you want to have optimised imports when doing anything with an SDK it gets even worse.

    So only if you are a masochist and want to focus on understanding everything to the byte code level before being able to do anything useful with the bloody thing I am of the opinion it's unworkable without an IDE.
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    @AlgoRythm an IDE is an editor with integrated (often via plugins) functionality for development. Like extensive language assistance and VCS integration etc.

    So if you just install VS code you have an editor and an editing platform (with quite some programming language features already). If you install a couple of plugins you have an IDE and are can come to close or to or surpass software marketed as an IDE.
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    @aviophille why so? 😂
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    The only Java program I have ever written was 9 months ago, I wrote that using vim.

    Whatever you get is going to be easier ;)
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    @hjk101 neither a masochist nor did I intend to get byte code-level understanding by using a basic editor
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    @Voxera I installed VIM too, then realised that I have to learn vim first and Java alongside. 😂
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    @sams3piol the main reason I use vim is that vim or vi is almost always available.

    But I usually want something better for programming ;)

    There was a time though where vim had THE best context highlighting for php but that was quite a while ago (20+ years ago or more)
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    @AlgoRythm vscode with a few plugins is more or less and IDE today.

    Out of the box yes then its just an editor but depending on language and plugins you get all the features I expect in an IDE at least.

    So the line is a bit blurry ;)
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    @Voxera Well put!

    I agree. The distinction between a very extensible editor and an IDE is borderline meaningless.
    An editor with great plugins could be better than a decent IDE.

    Allthough I suspect IntelliJ is still slightly better than vsCode for Java.
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    @jiraTicket probably, and visual studio is better for c#.

    But I have found no real competition to vs code for js, ts or react.
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    @Voxera JetBrains have WebStorm which seems to do the trick. I think their other IDEs also include some of WebStorm's functionality - I use Rider with our C# backend but also with our Angular frontend and it works great so far. Haven't had any reason to go back to VSCode for any frontend work, but then again I'm not much good at frontend...
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    @alturnativ Going to test rider A collegue uses it and likes it a lot.
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