
given Mossad's recently demonstrated brilliance in supply chain attacks, I'm leaning to believe that they were behind the liblzma backdoor.

  • 1
    cybersecurity is something absurd like 30% of their gdp
  • 2
    @antigermanist 30% of the defense budget I think, but I don't think Mossad is considered a part of the military so it would be an unspecified figure on top of that.
  • 2
    I don't know this detail about Israel in particular, but every intelligence agency that I'm aware of is funded separately from the military and most of them only publish approximate budgets.
  • 1
    @lorentz always had been. Point is they do have a lot of capacity in cybersec. They have all the money in the world to buy zero days and they subcontract to anybody who pays them like with pegasus.
  • 0
    also exploding shit all around lebannon was terrorism
  • 0
    @antigerm22 *Military equipment
  • 0
    @lorentz military my balls
  • 0
    @lorentz to be clearer, imagine a graph with the truth ouf your statement as a X axis, and the faultiness of your statement on the Y axis.

    Then draw my balls on it. They are smooth-shaved and very curvy
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