
dark chocolate is so good. I'm addicted and keep eating so much of it every day of late

is there foods you find extremely pleasurable to eat?

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    Korean chicken.

    Oh and on ontario e / pie ix there was a burrito place. God bless the latinos omg even in ireland
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    also my gf makes delicious shit seriously
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    Breaded chicken cutlets,

    Fish fingers soaked in lemon juice,


    ...probably there's more, but these are of the top of my head.
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    I love cordon blue but eat it rarely. I'm eating mainly tortellini what I really love. For a while I had a sushi addiction. Expensive period
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    @jestdotty me too. Could eat four
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    Dark chocolate (85%+).
    Gummies of all kinds.
    Cherries, especially with dark chocolate.
    The life energy and motivation of my enemies.
    Cherry energy drinks (Bing) with limoncello.
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    @Root Good choices all-around.

    Especially the Gummies...

    ...I may have used them as cake toppings, once...

    ...w/ good results.
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    Zaziki with bread.
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    - Cookies [my wife calls me a monster... Cookie monster]
    - moist pies [poppy, carrot, apple, pumpkin] - but only if there still is moisture inside; dry pies are no good, regardless the puffiness/softness

    I try not to have them at home. If I do - they don't last long. It's not good for my health :/
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    @antigermanist That's some interesting cooking/defecating skills your gf has. I've never considered shit as something that could be even remotely delicious. On the contrary.
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    I love dark chocolate too. So much that my very first "homepage" (as web sites were called back then) was on the topic of chocolate. Another sweet that I use to get a craving for is salt liquorice, very typical to the Nordic countries, while most non-Nordic hate it. I love it but sadly, liquorice is not good for the blood pressure.
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    Gummi bears are my absolute bane.


    I also love sushi, but in the long term I found it much cheaper to just invest in the equipment and ingredients to make it yourself.

    Nori algae, rice vinegar and sushi rice are really cheap at source (even if imported).

    A good rice cooker can be a bit more expensive but pays for itself in the long term.

    Finally, quality fish can certainly be expensive, especially if there's no local produce, but given the amount used in a normal serving, I'd say that for the easy 25+ euros a regular mixed platter can cost, it costs me less than 7 to make the same.
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    @CoreFusionX it seems so much work to me. Fish is not a hard requirement for me, I like any sushi, even with vegetables on the inside.

    My expensive sushi stuff ironically was much vegetable stuff what should be very cheap. Fish costs smth indeed. No idea what fish goes in there, could be a fishy business.

    I just failed to make pasta, forgot to set timer and found out for first time ever what happens if you cook it really too long, there was no water left and the pasta was just one blob. I ate it anyway.

    No mercy. Even blobs of tortellini are not safe for me
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    @jestdotty the idea of that concept is that you don't eat enough and spend more relatively. There's a Dutch restaurant claiming to bill if you didn't finish a plate you picked from the all you can eat menu. I do not think they actually do that - I think it would ends up with fights and who is the restaurant to play for a kinda police punishing you for waste
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    @CoreFusionX did you do gummi bears with wodka? I did, I became so sick. Worse as being drunk from Irish coffee
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    The case of that Dutch restaurant sounds plausible. There used to be a Thai restaurant in my town that did the same—charging extra if customers left a significant amount of food on their plates. It makes sense, really. Sure, everyone leaves a bit now and then, but when someone leaves a full or even half a portion, they've clearly overloaded their plate without considering the cost and effort to prepare the food, or the environmental impact. After all, you're paying for "all you can eat", not "all you can eat, plus a portion you can't".
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