
Does high pressure air have more force than low pressure?

  • 2
    The force stems from the difference of pressure. High and low pressure are only relative to each other. Only sith deals in absolute.

    Join my cult.
  • 3
    I would never buy a compressor from someone who would come out with such a question, because I don't want my workshop to explode.
  • 5
    Lol, I already wondered why the fuck would someone ask such a (dumb) question and why it‘s downvoted. Looking at the profile, I now know. And my faith in humanity is shattered again.
  • 0
    @indoair does it help to keep the bindu inside? I need to up my sexual kung fu game
  • 4
    Depends on the smell. You can easily knock out everyone in the room with quiet low pressure air holding high concentration of smell particles [aka ninja fart].
  • 2
    @netikras hits like a truck!
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