
this fine Tuesday afternoon a teacher came to my door and gave me free drugs, totally unexpectedly

I keep meaning to buy some drugs but this isn't even the first instance of being given free drugs... my drugs are exponentially multiplying and it's frustrating me because I wanna buy specific drugs but now I have to go through all these other drugs 😩

I guess a benefit of knowing drug addicts is they keep trying to quit said drugs so keep offloading them on you... before they give in and go and buy more drugs. then try to quit again. so they give you more free drugs.

  • 4
    I don't think this would work with other addictions. Like fapping.
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    don't do bad drugz jestie, be smart. Only do good drugz
  • 3
    @Demolishun then it's circle jerking whore circles I guess
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    ... 40 minutes after being given free drugs my ceiling started leaking brown sludge. is God punishing me now
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    @jestdotty is it really leaking, or are the shrooms kicking in?
  • 3
    @Demolishun ye this apartment is falling apart. we had like 2 meters of snow the past 2 weeks and the city is overwhelmed. it's been raining today so it's melting. must be a leak in the roof

    but my landlord has been ignoring my calls about the squirrel that's been living in my wall for months now so I guess my bathroom is gonna smell like leaking dirt now

    maybe once all that snow melts it won't leak anymore

    maybe my landlord is trying to get me to move. I hate people. or maybe people just treat me badly cuz I'm cursed. roomie always talked to them before and they would show up in under 24 hours. but with me they don't even call me back. sigh. people suck
  • 3
    Sorry, that sucks. Somehow it reminded me of this:


    Maybe it will bring you cheer.
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  • 2
    I remember that 'Wrong Number' bit. Just priceless.

    The guy also has a cool video about harassing a spammer - was fun to watch.
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