
*15 new emails*

We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy
We have updated our privacy policy

  • 37
  • 6
    Can't agree more
  • 4
    Don't get me started!
  • 2
    @google@ update your app's libpng library because we wrote it with vulnerabilities.
  • 11
    @fuck2code @Floydian
    Depends. I finished 3 books this week. If it's true, then I salute you, because I never knew it was possible. :0
  • 2
    I've heard of him. I don't read his books because I'm not a fan of science fiction haha.

    I usually read psychological thriller, horror, mystery, crime, supernatural, and dark fantasy.
  • 7
    Well, I don't have any self control when it comes to books. I try to slow down, but it's actually really hard.

    It's not really patience that makes me want to read faster, it's more of my love for books. Once you learn to love books, you'll be able to read more than 3 books per lifetime lol.
  • 7
    I don't think you've found a book you actually love.

    Try finding a book you like, and then you'll be obsessed with finishing it. If you still can't focus, then you probably have ADHD lol.
  • 5
    You can try to make some time, like for example, some people try to read for 15 minutes before they sleep. You can try that. (Just don't rest your eyes first, it's a trap.)

    I've heard of that book, but I never read it because the title makes it sound like a nonfiction thing. I usually don't read nonfiction.
  • 4
    It doesn't have to be exciting. It can be interesting and you'll still want to be able to read it. :)
  • 2
    And none of them are valid under gdpr.

    "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. If you continue using our service you agree to the new terms"

    Yeah... Not how gdpr works people.
  • 4
    I can't choose a favorite. My favorite changes all the time lol.

    I don't read nonfiction. Mainly because when I read, I want to escape reality. Reading nonfiction pulls me farther into reality, which is why I prefer fiction. :/
  • 2
    @Floydian I think you hit the nail on the head with “motivation”

    As a guy who went from not really reading to reading all the time this is how I started...

    I found something I really loved and read it for a purpose. (This may not worth with fiction since it’s purpose is usually leisure and leisure is a bad motivator)

    For example. I wanted to learn about business modelling and value proposition design. So I started reading and then finding similar things and before I knew it I was reading all the time.

    I think it started with (for me)

    Lean Startup > Running Lean > Value Proposition design ... now I never stop and have a Kindle to read on the go.

    Good luck!
  • 1
    thanks to fb
  • 2
    Painfully recognizable
  • 2
    @fuck2code Thank you!
  • 1
    @fuck2code thanks for the info
  • 1
    I just find it entertaining how nearly zero of these policy updates makes them truly GDPR compliant.

    They're often just coating their existing behavior in new verbal sauce, because no company wants to stab their marketing department to death.

    It's going to be a legal shitshow, and I'm going to enjoy trolling the less ethical companies.
  • 0
    Exactly! Fucking updated polices every day! 🌶
  • 1
    Filtrer privacy policy for 1 month in that special never show folder XD
  • 1
    Hooo and look google maps is now paid version with 200$ per month in canada
  • 0
    That's more updates than microsoft
  • 1
    @Michelle I can't read books slowly. It annoys me. During "slow" weeks, I can read up to 2 per day, but it's about 3 per week on average over a year...

    There's a dragon book (just forgot name) that was written so complex that it took about a week. And the Wheel of Time books are a while other set of monsters lol
  • 0
    It doesn't annoy me. I wish I can read slow, so I can enjoy the book a bit more longer, but it's difficult for me. I need some self control haha.

    Considering the fact you read dragon books and Wheel of Time books means you're a fan of fantasy :D

    Fantasy books are usually longer than other genres so it must take you many hiurs to finish.
  • 1
    @Michelle Wheel of Time takes me about a week or two a book. There's so much going on to pay attention to, I end up rereading previous sections to remember the connections.

    The not being able to read slowly is what annoys me. I spend so much money on books, even though I also use library apps and kindle unlimited
  • 0
    I don't like e-books, so I never read them online or use a kindle. I always prefer buying them from a bookstore, because I love going to bookstores and picking out a physical book.
    It always annoys my mom, because she thinks I'm wasting my money and that I should borrow them from the library instead. She doesn't understand tho. It's not the same thing.
    She tried to make me sell my old books, but I'm never going to let that happen.
  • 1
    @Michelle There are some books I read online that I have since purchased in hard copy, but since I'm about to start moving every 2-3 years, I can move books more economically if they're e-book.

    My favorite bookstores are used bookstores, but I also have a weird quirk that requires me to have matching books (ie - the fact that I have some hard back Harry Potter books and some paperback bugs me, and my Starfist series has different styles of cover art, which also annoys me). This presents problems when buying from used bookstores.
  • 0
    Yessss! That bothers me too. I used to have a paper back version of MPHFPC (too long to type it out lol) and the hardcover of the second and third book in the series. I had to sell the paperback so I can buy a hardcover of the first book.

    I also have two different paper back versions of The Nightmare Affair. The first two books are the glossy paperback, and the third is the matte paperback. (I think the first two were the original or something.)

    I can't even replace them because I heard the book went out of print rip.
  • 0
    I am getting them too. Im going to be honest... What is happening?
  • 0
    @Bobj2008 The GDPR hit.
  • 0
    the biggest lie ever... we've updated our privacy policy...all for some bs info to be collected and stored in DB..😑
  • 1
    Only fifteen? 😂 I hate this law. Just starting my first project that will fall under it, and as it isn't enough having to learn a TON of stuff along the way to make sure the project will have a strong foundation for the future, now I have to become a lawyer and write a privacy policy that meets the criteria and of course fully understand it in all aspects of my project before I do anything else to make sure I'm complying and will continue to do so. Sure, it's the same for everyone, and I can pay for someone to do it, but it's not a welcomed task anyways.
  • 0
    @Skriptkiddy You do know there are generators for that?
  • 0
    @PrivateGER yes, and every single one I've found asks for like $8-$24 for the parts you really need to comply.. So in the end it'll be hundreds of dollars 🤔
  • 0
    @Skriptkiddy I got mine for free 🤔
  • 0
    @PrivateGER where? I only find sites like this one:
  • 0
  • 1
    @Skriptkiddy It appears the site I used is down now.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER 😩 Well I'll just have to suffer through. Will make another run at googling later, first 🙂 Thanks for the effort!
  • 1
    @Skriptkiddy *duckduckwent ;)
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