
Full Night coding for project with tomorrow's deadline. Hopefully this will suffice...

  • 19
    From someone with heart problems: drink some water too
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  • 8
    The white monster is better!
  • 4
    @Root not available here. :( Frankly I don't like monster's taste at all. But it gets the job done. I think of it more as a medicine...
  • 3
    @ganjaman That's why the H2O is at the back :D
  • 1
    @Root ultra citron > all
  • 6
    That amount of coffeine consumed in a short period of time will kill you.

    I am not joking.

    If you want to avoid the devilish sugar / coffeine cycle where you go up and down stick to water and a cup of coffee when you need it.
    Water keeps your attention on the same level, keeps you awake on regular intake and will help you stay focused.

    If you want to drink a monster, at least do yourself a favor. Mix monster 50:50 with mineral water, cut two thin slices of lime, squirt them and drop them into the glass. This at least rounds up the super sweet taste with a sour and a slightly bitter note, avoiding that your adrenaline jumps every time you take a tiny sip.
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    I'm coming to your room

  • 2
    @beggarboy Thanks. Gonna try it
  • 6
    He wasn't in his room lol
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    @gitlog I don't share drugs. Deal with it. :/
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    @irene it's for his entire group

    @xkill let's divide into half. You can take the half back lol
  • 0
    Yea I really like monster too but I'm drinking 1/day MAX which is still waaay too much. Just stick to some good coffee, do pauses where you maybe roam around and stretch yourself a little bit. Basically the same advice as for long distance drives. So don't drink and code kids! (nah, just joking, some sadd juice, in appropriate amounts, is always great fun)
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    @deanster every group has 6 members

    it's one monster each

    @xkill fine I'll give back the money
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    @gitlog alright, then it's fine. 👌
  • 6
    To people who say hell die: 11 cans in one sitting seems to be the limit of a 90kg male. (Source: i went to hospital after the 12th)
  • -1
    He came to my room and asked to bring me a new one

    But all shops are closed now

    So.... LoL sorry
  • 5
    People, this... devil juice? Satan's blood? Whatever, will NOT, I repeat, will NOT keep you more focused. I have been drinking it for months at a time, 2-3 daily. It kept me awake for 30 mins to 2 hours, but then came the sugar crash, and no amount of extra juice would recover me. Yes, I've done extensive experiments on myself.

    Monster, and other energy drinks, are mostly aimed at athletes and the like. Mental effort requires MUCH more than just a shot of sugar and caffeine. After the Monster-induced surges, my focus would go out the window.

    My 2 cents: just try water (as mentioned above) and maybe some honey (slow-burning sugar). A bit of coffee can help a bit, but please MODERATION - if you develop a tolerance, then it will be of no use. I still try to get my sleeping in order - by the Monster usage, I feel sleepy between noon and afternoon, and I have random headaches --> painkillers and sleeping pills.

    Just so you know.
  • 0
    Where are you from mate. You seems to be away from home
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    I hope tomorrow is not your own dead-line too
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    @fiktion College. Studying
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    Speaking from experience mix that with Jack Daniel's it will keep your heart rate down and they taste good together. Or try bang 300mg of caffeine but now sugar so no crash.
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    Jesus thats too much. Maybe 1-2 at most. Please dont die.
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    I would die with that amount of monster...
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    Why not substitute it with plan old coffee
    Atleast you won't get diabetes
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    @Teknas There is less sugar in monster then most sodas and less then some people's coffee.
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    @Teknas In college hostel. Shops closed after 10
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    Man. Don't do that 😂😂 I almost died once before because I did the same
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    @Konsole you can buy and brew your own
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    Is your name Kyle?
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    @c3ypt1c not even close...
    Why would you think that...?

    Fun fact: My name is very close to a popular ubuntu theme
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    @c3ypt1c I don't get that..
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    @Konsole Google "kyle monster memes"
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