
De-google your life

-duck duck go look up the founder
-yandex (putin botnet)

-your own

-https://kek.gg/i/3g2z6d.png (superior list)
-https://kek.gg/i/67YQQx.jpg (for furfags)

Collaborative documents
-ether pad (eg: notes.typo3.org or etherpad.net)
-microsoft office online (lol)

Image Upload/Edit

Video sharing

-gnu social (for freedom loving patriots)
-mastodon (for proprietary loving gook pedos and sjws)

Image Upload/Edit

Google CDN avoidance

Ad and script blocking
-uBlock Origin

Share links without gibbing clicks


How to hosts file (lol, just block google bro):


  • 15
  • 10
    How bout youtube
    I love youtube
  • 11
    i'm 100% duck duck go
  • 4
    @Lahsen2016 Even then they will find you
  • 1
    @Lahsen2016 subnets is the word you are looking for
  • 1
    Dtube is actually pretty awesome.
  • 2
    I get all my mail through cock. Li lol
  • 6
    @Lahsen2016 They injected a small chip into your brain as you slept and have been tracking your every move since, they call it, Google Brain
  • 1
  • 6
    I use one of the tools from nearly every category πŸ˜€. Will favourite this so I can use some of the services for comparison in the privacy site I'm building :)
  • 22
    Android dev here. To de-Google my life I should change my career path πŸ€”
  • 1
    Nice list, thank you
  • 3
    @Eariel the struggle is real
  • 5
    I'm missing Vivaldi in the browser list it's also an interesting browser
  • 0
    I prostrate before you.
  • 16
    Redtube.com is also a great replacement for YouTube guys!
  • 2
    Just throw away your life - make yourself a little cozy home under the tree somewhere in the middle of the forest, hunt for food and enjoy life without Google. Even satellites won't find you.

    In any other case they'll eventually find a way to find you somewhere in the web. Which is kinda scary but that's how world works right now.
  • 1
    @antons oh thanks for the suggestion to 15 yo πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @inpothet that is actually chromium in the back and their skin in the front. (even that is, i love it too)
  • 3
    Get over it, relax. You're not a military department with nuclear codes. Take ordinary precautions and it won't matter if they see what kind of things you're into.
  • 3
    I don't think that it's a better idea to share your info to 10+ compaines rather than just one. By using Google, you can just delete everything on one page and you can see what they know about you.
  • 3
    Nahhh degoogeling ist for hipsters..
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    @wholl0p 😑
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes actually it's only using the cromium engine rest is different if else there was a Google login feature
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    @linuxxx sorry :-/
    Can't understand people that under all circumstances want to ditch Google products...
  • 0
    @wholl0p Mind to elaborate why? :)
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    @linuxxx I mean what is the benefit of renouncing all the comforts of the Google services? Using dozens of independent sites and services instead of many connected ones like Google offers just to have a little bit more privacy isn't worth it in my opinion, that's why I call it 'hipster'... But I'm not criticising it, I do use services other than Google's too of course, but I am the person that chooses the way that fits my needs not the one that boycotts everything from a specific company :-)
  • 2
    @wholl0p It's very simple. I'm fine with services which offer great services! As long as they don't try to inhale about all data they can get. The problem is also that even if I personally say no and decide to not use these services, what if I want to contact someone and all they have is gmail/hangouts? Then I'm fucked by default. Also these services work closely with the NSA and that bothers me a lot. @runfrodorun help me out here buddy
  • 0
    @wholl0p I feel you bro ... I'm sure that most of the people that ++ this post use google services every day..maybe they have just heard these alternative names and now they are like "oh yeah I support privacy yeahhhh"
  • 3
    @linuxxx are there any evidences? I mean the NSA thing... You're being tracked when you pay with your credit card, you're being tracked when you order sth online, when you download something, ... There is no escape from the bad bad people on the internet, that's why I'm realistic and not paranoid and use these services like every other person.
  • 2
    @linuxxx I'm not scared of what google is doing with my data, I'm concerned more of people trying to steal those data from google. And at these point I think that a big company like google knows how to defend itself.
  • 4
    @wholl0p Snowden leaks - PRISM. And yes you're being tracked everywhere but damn you can prevent a lot!
  • 1
    @Archetipo Well the NSA is directly linked into about 14 (I thought?) major Internet companies including Google and the problem. Is that they can do with the data they gather whatever they please.
  • 1
    @wholl0p Also, there's a difference between being paranoid and wanting control over who owns your data. I'm realistic as well and that's why I try to prevent online tracking as much as possible :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx but trying to prevent your digital footprint is paranoid and surreal as hell... And watching hardcore fetish porn doesn't require using duckduckgo and posteo and stuff..
  • 1
    @wholl0p @runfrodorun help
  • 2
    @linuxxx I want to understand, I'm not here to play google nazy fan. What is so important that requires you to use 20 different services instead of using google for everything.
  • 2
    @Archetipo my words πŸ‘Œ :D
  • 1
    @runfrodorun of course I do have to sign up for every service and yes, they are free and great and yes, surely I pay for it with my data, but as long as it works and as long as I'm satisfied, why then switching to a ton of independent services when I am willing to pay with my worthless data.. It is convenient and just works..
  • 1
    @wholl0p @runfrodorun That's the thing, your 'worthless' data might not be so worthless in the future. Although not everyone might get affected, health insurance providers can (or was that a work in progress?) deny customers based on their Google search history and there are many more examples like that.

    I know someone who's being fucked over by their 'useless' data big time right now and neither me or that person saw that one coming!
  • 2
    @wholl0p Let's say I'm required to contact you by email and I really don't want my data to end up in googles hands, how fucked am I right now? (not attacking you or anything!)
  • 1
    @linuxxx as I'm using GMX I don't really know but I also don't really care.. :-/
  • 1
    @wholl0p So you wouldn't care if someone having to contact you and not wanting their data in the huge dragnets gets in anyways because you use gmail?
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    @charyas @wholl0p
    DATA, DATA EVERYWHERE, the future says the most costliest thing to be owned will not be oil but data in the coming years.
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    @linuxxx have you heard of the new adblocker that's reportedly making losses for Google ??
    We are on the surface so I won't whisper anything here, got any deep web chat links?
  • 2
    Still no one is giving me a concrete reason to stop using google (and all services that are connected).
  • 0
    @sam9669 Not sure if trolling or not but yeah I use those :)
  • 2
    But.. But.. Instead of sending dick picks to girls one by one I simply walk in front of my cam and Facebook and Google do this for me. Also very effectively.
  • 0
    @inpothet Vivaldi has it had the google WebKit if I remember correctly
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    @needToRoll IT uses some of the chromium source but it's implementation of it is way better in my opinion as it results in way less ram use that chrome self
  • 1
    What about Google Ultron?
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes I can guarantee that most 15 year olds know exactly what Redtube is
  • 1
    @Sydochen youtube red? Yes, the paid thing by google.... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @CozyPlanes you and I both know that's not what you were talking about
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    @Sydochen hey 16, stop doing this to a 15 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Case closed.
  • 4
    @wholl0p You're using the standard nothing to hide argument, which is bullshit. Edward Snowden once said: "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."
    Also, if you have nothing to hide, why do you still have walls in your house? Why do you care that someone could see you jerking off naked in the shower? I mean, it's not something you have to hide, it's not illegal, is it? Yet you decide that you don't want people to see you sometimes. And you have the right to do so - not only in your home, but also online. Now the thing is that online it's not that easy to hide, it's impossible if you use Google services, because by using them, you basically agree to give them all your data, your online behaviour, etc.
    So yeah, I will avoid Google as far as possible in the future just as I do now. And I'm not a fucking "Hipster" because I do so.
  • 1
    @Jop- Well, then you're perfectly fine with uploading a video of you dancing drunk and naked to YouTube as long as it's private and noone knows the link? Also, feel free to upload such a picture of yourself to Google reverse image search.
  • 4
    @wildcard your examples are so wrong. How could you compare an email or a YouTube video with not having walls in house or the thing in the shower???
  • 1
    Only thing of Google I use is to watch YouTube videos. That too without any account
  • 2
    Anyone that says he has nothing to hide please write all your Emails, CreditCard Data and all your Passwords right here in the comments. We are all grown up so there is no risk and I'm sure you don't have anything to hide...

    This is exactly the point why you should not give your life to google and the gang ;-)

    (If you still don't want to get it please swim along, only dead fish go with the flow)
  • 0
    @n0ah WoW so giving all my passwords to you + credit card numbers & Coo. is the same as using gmail and youtube with and account ?
  • 0

    The guarantee you have is exactly the same. You may trust google more that a dude on devRant, but this is entirely your opinion. So yeah, it's basicly the same ;-)
  • 0

    I know that there is nobody that goes throu your data manualy. For me personaly it is all about the possibility, and I like to keep that possibility as low as possible. If you see this differently or just don't care, do what ever you want, but don't start crying when the next wistleblower reveils who's jerking of to your Family picture
  • 1
    @n0ah Your idea of privacy is very confused. As many others people that liked this post. I asked a simple thing and you came out with unreasonable examples trying to change theme. The topic of this post is UN-Google your life. And I simply what to understand why bothering so much with so many different and arguably secure services when you simply could use google (+ your brain) and not post or search stupid things that could lead in trouble if shared with everyone. If you don't share too much you have nothing to hide.
  • 1

    Okay, let me try from a different perspective: If you have one central service that has all your data, only one instance needs to get compromised and you're fuckt. A possible intruder needs only one mail/pw and your digital life is taken away. But if you have your data scattered between different devices/services, the bad guys have several obstacles before they can realy damage you.
  • 0

    This is why I have my main stuff synced between my devices without any central server. The big data is mirrored on 2x 4Tb drives at home, fully encrypted, like all my devices, with different passwords/certificates. I don't use google/microsoft/facebook shit, but of corse I have a google account with fake name so that I could download some paid android apps, if there is no open source, or that I can login to dropbox to download some files from a friend. But appart from that, I dont use those services because i want to be in controll of my stuff, and not a super monster company that does not whant to give any info what they do with your data...
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    Not necessary evil, just a a little thing that can fuck you big time more easily. For my taste it's just to much responsibility to simply give it away
  • 1
    @n0ah OK thanks for this answer. This is a good point of view with a good example.
  • 0
    Isn't cock.li dead or just the domains I had mails on?
  • 0
    Just leaving this here so i can search your suggestions in the near futureπŸ˜€
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    Other option:
    My life is so mundane, I don't really care who's watching.
    They must be bored shitless.
  • 1
    Who the fuck thought cock.li sounded like a great name for an email platform.
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    @RaspberryPi may be main motive behind this to prevent monopoly rather than privacy
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    @Jop- but will.be in future
  • 0
    kek.gg is not working
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