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    Here's a follow-up to my New Year's resolutions rant six months ago:

    ( )

    I've completed (or made significant strides in) 5 of my 7 resolutions:

    1) Rid and keep my like free of toxic people.  This includes parents.

    I have had a serious conversation with everyone who made my life worse and whom I wanted to keep around, outlining my issues with them and my expectations should they want to remain in my life.  I happily cut out everyone who refused to change their behavior, including my parents.  My life is quieter now, and much nicer.

    3) Take care of myself for a change!

    I've started this, but with work, a monster, etc. it's been almost prohibitively difficult.  Minimal lasting progress despite considerable effort.  I will make more time for it and make it happen. (I was down 12 pounds at one point! Though this isn't just about weight.)

    4) Stop putting up with things I don't have to.

    If I don't like something optional, snip snip!
    I no longer wait patiently (fuming) for slow-moving people.  If something prevents me from being productive or going about my day, I no longer let it.  Carpe diem; calcitrare culus! I have been much more productive and energetic because of this.

    5) Actually enjoy things I enjoy.

    Okay, this one is very difficult.  Whenever I'm not working, I feel like I'm wasting my time.  However, I have made a conceited effort every day to take time off and do something that sounds fun.  Sometimes that's more work, but usually it's music, a game, a book, exercise, or bed.   I'm still working on actually enjoying my time away from work, however, but I'm making progress!

    7) Finish de-googling my life.

    I no longer use a gmail account (except a work-provided account), nor do I use any of their services unless absolutely necessary (and I do so through TOR).  My phone still has Google Play Services; however, I'm working on finding a replacement that I can @Root.  (Suggestions welcome!)

    The two resolutions I haven't yet addressed:

    2) Find a well-paying job that isn't also toxic.

    My job has gotten less toxic of late, with the boss actually listening and everyone writing up feature requests (with co-sponsors) instead of just dumping them in my lap.  I perform an effort analysis on them, and everyone discusses them as a team to determine which actually deserve development time.  This is tens of times better than before.  I also no longer have to be at the office.  In fact, I haven't been there in months -- and don't even remember the alarm codes haha.  I may also be getting another developer, though I suspect this is actually a lie.

    6) Finally buy a harp. I've wanted one since I was 3 ffs.

    I haven't done any research yet on which harp(s) I should buy.  Also, I have no idea where I would keep it, so I may defer this until we move, or just get a tiny one (lap-sized and cute!) to practice on. Probably both!


    It's been six moths, and I'm happy with my progress. 😄
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